The Lhe Lin Liyin and Unis’tot’en Camp organizers have operated in solidarity with neighbouring communities who want to stop all pipelines, reverse climate change, shut down tar sands and hydrofracturing for shale gas, and also communities who see through the false solutions to climate change via Carbon Marketing, Carbon, Boreal and Biological Offsets and REDDs in 3rd World Countries.

Mitigation in a world of fast paced large scale mega and GigaProjects like the Tar Sands extraction, refining, transporting operations and the HydroFracturing for Shale Gas has been exhausting itself with no catalytic converter. The attempt to create a catalytic converter through Indigenous Communities through Carbon Sequestration and Offsetting schemes will prove to be a challenge when there has been more and more awakening to the truths of these Giga and mega carbon emitters like the Tar Sands and Fracking projects. Education from sources like the Dominion’s article “Offsetting Resistance” and Amy Miller / WideOpenExposure’s film “Carbon Rush”, and work completed by and MacDonald Stainsby and Dru Oja Jay to correct the story of what Offsetting and REDD’s really have in mind. To distract us from the carbon emissions that have being going supernova while mitigation has been truly a false solution to climate change.

The Unis’tot’en Camp and Lhe Lin Liyin express solidarity to all communities impacted by climate change, pipelines, fracking and tar sands, and mining. We do so by understanding that we must also stop false solutions. The resistance being built against Carbon Offsetting must be accompanied by a resistance to Boreal and Biological Offsets.

Fake Environmentalists like Forest Ethics, Pembina Institute, and others who promote Offsetting and other false solutions must be confronted for their activities. Please remember the sell out activities from these organizations in terms of the Great Bear Rainforest, and their signing of agreements like the Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement. Offsetting, REDDs, and REDDs +  are fragmenting solidarity as the carbon is not being stopped from emitting to the atmosphere if the purchasers of the carbon credits and offsets are going to emit that carbon anyhow elsewhere. Instead Offsetting, REDDs REDDs +  must be exposed as infiltrators to communities who would not have signed onto developments if they were told the truth that the solutions are false. Communities are being duped into participating in carbon markets and offsets. Spread the truths about the false solutions and expose the salespersons in the NGO’s who are not really protecting environment, but are increasing corporates’ hostile take over of waters, air quality, science communities, and regulatory bodies in nations states.

A theoretical situation came to mind when studying Offsets. Pipelines Construction phase would look for ways to ‘mitigate’ their destruction they plan to conduct, and along with that would want to ‘green up’ their activities. Offsetting would prove to them that they can build pipelines with mitigation. They need the wool pulled over your eyes first, and the notion of protecting lands, waters, and biodiversity while making money would be that wool being pulled over your eyes. Say these proposed and bound to fail Tar Sands Pipelines like Enbridge’s Northern Gateway or TransCanada’s Keystone XL actually don’t plan to build one or the other. So theoretically, let’s see if Enbridge is the one planning to back away from actually building a dual pipeline in our path, as they may acquire a rubber stamp from CEAA and NEB and the Conservative Majority Government and Senate. That with their tenure and any agreement signed with any pipelines from the proposed ‘Energy Corridor’, the pipeline companies will then create offsetting schemes with Aboriginal Communities and use data from their baseline studies used in their applications to Ministry of Environment’s Environmnental Assessment Office and Canada’s Environmental Assessment Agency and National Energy Board to form Offsets for carbon they won;’t release, biodiversity they won’t destroy, and boreal forests they won’t cut down. This coupled with the wide right of way for 8 pipelines, or a regional study area of up to 100 kilometers can see expansion for many carbon emitters like those in Tar Sands, and other pipeline companies destruction, like that of the Keystone XL. In solidarity with communities like Dunham Ontario who don’t want a pumping station built to reverse the flow of an existing and dormant Enbridge Trailbreaker and their construction of a Line 9 to feed Tar Sands’ dilbit, and other communities like all the communities seeking to stop the Keystone XL, stop Offsetting and Pipelines….

If Offsets are being delivered in your community, ask many questions, speak out, ensure leadership will not fragment solidarity by signing on with false solutions of Offsets.

Please see the links for more information regarding Carbon Offsets, REDD’s and the resistance being built against false solutions.

Sne Kal Yegh!

the Lhe Lin Liyin

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